For anybody, but most especially business people Maximising time usage can be arduous and daunting – but it doesn’t have to be. It’s critical to keep your time usage as effective as possible. The key to business success is streamlining processes to make sure your time is not wasted and you’re making money when you use your time allocated to business. Here are five time-tested best practices that makes your time usage more efficient and allows for greater productivity. You can hold yourself accountable for time spent this positively reflects your bottom line.
This guide is written with the aim of delivering a vision of success for individuals determined to drive their business forward. You see, Like you we target success.
Streamline your Morning Routine A tremendous amount of your time is wasted each week during the morning commute. How much time do you think you are wasting in the morning? Time is money, and the morning commute could be costing you a fortune. When you travel to your office first, before your day starts, you have ample opportunity to waste time. The mere act of travelling into the office can eat up valuable time, and once you arrive you might spend more time chatting with co-workers, eating breakfast or checking email and social media. This wasted time slowly accumulates throughout the week which could equate to several hours by the end of the month. The best way to eliminate wasted time in the morning is to have your morning streamlined, Prepare the night before with your tasks clearly outlined and refrain from checking emails except business emails, most important refrain from checking social media in the morning – unless your work requires it 🙂 . If the work day starts at 9:00 a.m., Endeavour to set tasks that you have control over in the morning so that you’re not waiting on others in order to start your day.
Also because most people are in their best condition in the morning, it allows you to address your tasks with a sharp focused mind.
Having your tasks clearly outlined the night before allows your subconscious to map out ways to carry out thetasks before the time, making it easier because its like the benefit of a practiced run.